
in a hurry



in a hurry为高中词汇
1. Why are you in such a hurry?

2. Tell him to hurry.We must leave before ten after eight.

3. Tell him to hurry.We must leave before ten after eight.

4. There is none of the hurry which, in our society, often hampers the full development of a growing personality.

5. The members of the Red Cross are always among the first who hurry to the scene and are always equipped to bring help and relief.

6. They're all for it. They all speak highly of themselves for seeking it out, at least for an hour or even two before they hurry home for tea.

7. Now, would you please hurry up and turn it off? Get ready for school or you'll be late!"

8. Hurry up, Sam!

9. A few minutes later, I was able to hurry away with precious chalk-marks on my baggage.

10. A few minutes later, I was able to hurry away with precious chalk marks on my baggage.
